Wimpy/Rossi Pro-Am Backstage Pass - All Access

Sean Tickner
24th April 2009
Ok, Round 2 of the Run-up. Things are warming up, only 1 more sleep till the Madness begins. I'm not even looking at Swell Charts, it doesn't make a difference, the Fun Charts are a different story. It looks like a strong surge in Crowd factor from Thursday at Margate Main Beach. This will also lead to a proportional increase in Wimpy consumption. Good Times look set to drastically jump and fun will surely be hot on the heels. Action will be kicked up a level and in general Margate Madness will be at a high level for the entire weekend, Woohoo!

You've sorted out accommodation now you need to get around. Hopefully you can find a place close to the beach and you can just take a stroll down to the contest. If you're driving around, get to the beach early and score yourself a good parking, nothing better than being able to sit in your car and watch the Pros busting out right in front of you. If you plan on going out at night, either to celebrate a win or drowning your sorrows or just to relax with mates, make sure you've got a designated driver or the phone number for a taxi company, never ever drink and drive, NEVER!

Ok, talking about travelling, I've managed to corner a few more riders, this time it's the Travelers from further afield.

First off, we're picking the brain of Daniel Worsley - charger from Cape Town and supporter of some Pommie Soccer team in Red?

Q: Dan, you had a good start in Cape Town, coming second to an on form Mark Watts. How are you feeling for Margate?

Dan: Yeah, was happy with my result in Cape Town, I would have preferred a 1st but what can you do... haha. The final was awesome though! Everyone surfed so well, it's great when everyone's pushing each other and having fun at the same time! I'm looking forward to Margate, but I'll see how I feel when I get there... I try not to think too much about upcoming events and heats until I'm actually in the water and just take it one heat at a time...

Q: You've made the trip a couple times, what's something that not many people know about Margate?

Dan: Margate is a pretty good wave ... very consistent and picks up a lot of swell! But watch out for that paddle!! It can catch you so easily! I've spent my whole heat paddling at Margate the one year... Not cool! lol...

Q: How do you rate the Girls up in Margate compared to Cape Town?

Dan: Girls? haha.. I don't usually talk to girls.. I'm more of a quiet guy who likes long romantic strolls on the beach, where we could look at the stars and whisper poems to each other.. So if there's any girls like that, there, i suppose that'll do... ;) hahaha

Next in the Cross-Hairs, Jonathan "Jot" De Lauwere, big man from Port Elizabeth and all round nice guy.

Q: Jot, you're competing in the Mens Division, there's some tough competition this year, who are you keeping your eyes on?

Jot: Yeah, the Mens division seems to be hard these days. I've been out of it for 5years, up until last year and coming back I've noticed Mens is almost like the Pro division. It's not as easy as it was! There's a few stand outs like Simon Heale who won the Cape Classic 09, Ryno Venter, Jamie Higgins, Rob Grey's always ripping and I've noticed you can cause a few upsets too even though you're known more for throwing chunks on the knee.

Q: How do you rate Margate as a wave and contest venue?

Jot: I've only done the Margate comp once which was last year, before that it was at St Mikes but from my experience it's an awesome venue with good waves, good vibes and the sponsors support it quite well. Ones got to train a bit though for it cause that paddle isn't easy when it's on!

Q: Big Night out, Early morning surf or Both?

Jot: I'd have to say early morning surf. I'd go to bed early any day so that I can wake up early to get the waves. But in saying that I won't turn down the odd beer or two with mates every now and then.

Finally, we've cornered Fly-Boy Jared "Jerry" Houston, fresh after his Maiden season to The North Shore.

Q: How is the competition here compared to Hawaii? Are our local boys matching up?

Jerry: Yeah there are definitely guys that could mix it up with the best.
Unfortunately there are only a few, whereas Australia has like 100 guys, we have maybe 20.
But the standard of riding was really high at the Cape Classic, and I think this event is going to be insane!

Q: There are often lots of ramps and sections to destroy in Margate, are you going to play it safe in your heats or are you going to show the spectators some action?

Jerry: Hmmmmm, I want to do well, it all depends on the day and conditions, if it's just workable I'll be doing what I can to get through heats, BUT, if its six foot and cracking, I'll be making the paddle back worthwhile.

Q: What is your best Memory of past Margate Contests?

Jerry: The waves I have scored on the side, scored Sunwhich Port craaaaaanking the one year, and then 2 years ago I was just getting some unsurfed reef loving, I love The south coast!

There we go. The next update will be after the Contest Briefing, i'll keep my eyes peeled for any tasty treats to share with everybody out there in Sixty40 Land. If you want your favourite rider to answer a few questions just let me know who it is and what the questions are and I'll track them down for you. Or if you want to send any shout-outs to your favourite rider pop it in the comment box and I'll try get the commentators to spread the love.

For info on all the action of the Wimpy/Rossi Pro-Am visit www.sixty40.co.za/wimpyrossi2009.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article may not be the same views of SABA or Sixty40 Bodyboarding. Neither do any of the parties concerned condone illegal actions or actions that bring sponsors or the sport into disrespect.