Cape Classic on hold

Gareth White
2nd April 2009
With literally no swell across the Cape peninsula event organisers have regrettably had to postpone the start of the contest.

Early reports from today's venue, Caves in Koel Baai, told of dismal 1 foot swell and cross-shore winds. The reason for this is the swell direction - South East. SE swell is probably the worst type of swell direction for Cape Town, with only a few spots on the False Bay coastline picking any of it up and with the predicted strong South East wind already starting to show itself it just wouldn't have been worth fighting off the hoards at some of those spots.

As was discussed last night at the briefing, we are looking at using Skaap Eiland (Skaapies), out in Yzerfontein as the possible venue for Saturday and Sunday because of the Westerly winds predicted to blow. All forecasts point towards Skaapies as being the venue of choice for those two days.

As for tomorrow...

More info should become available later this afternoon as to where the event will be held tomorrow so check back at about 18:00 (6pm) for more updates.

The Sport Unlimited/Spur Cape Classic 09 is brought to you by Sport Unlimited and Spur Steak Ranches in association with Ocean Minded and supported by The Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Reef Wetsuits, Science Bodyboards, Arnette, Bondi Blu and Aloe Up.