Day 1 Of 2008 Wimpy/Rossi Pro-Am

Martin Otto
2nd May 2008
Competitors for the 2008 Wimpy/Rossi Pro-Am were greeted by clean 3 - 4ft offshore conditions much to everyones joy as the day before delivered small swell. As the day progressed the onshore picked up speed to make conditions worse, but never to the extent to make it unrideable as many competitors proved by displaying some high scores and busting big maneuvers. The swell did pick up a tiny bit making the paddle a bit difficult, but not as bad as previous years have been.

The standouts thus far are definitely Justin Zietsman, Andrew Raath, Sasha Specker, Dane Klusener, Craig Maree, with many more riders showing their dominance. A few upsets were the early exit of 2007 SA Champ David lee along with Jonothan Oliff, Justin Lindsay, Grant van der Wagen and Dune Barker.

Tomorrow everyone will meet at 7:30am to see what the conditions hold in store, but the better conditions are predicted for Sunday. Please bare in mind that there will be a parade of 650 Harley Davidsons on Margate Beach right where the event is held and access to the Beach road will be blocked off. Keep this in mind when you have to get ready for your heat.