SABA contest at Durban Beach Festival 2007

Alistair Taylor
11th May 2007
SABA is pleased to announce that we will be having a full SABA circuit rated contest at this year's Durban Beach Festival. The contest will be held over the weekend of June 29, 30 and July 1. We also apologise for the late notice on this, but things were held up for a while until the Mr Price Pro dates were finalised, which also directly affected the dates of the entire Durban Beach Festival.

At this stage we are not 100% sure of what the A rating is going to be � only that it won't be less than a 3A, will probably be a 4A, and may yet even be a 5A � that is because the sponsorships were hastily arranged on short notice, and some sponsorship applications are still pending.

On board so far are HB Bodyboards and Bad Boy, and Debis Fleet Management, Factory 7 and ATD Bodyboards.

We will also be having a tow out demo on at least one of the days of the event, which will be an invitational event, but should be a fun crowd pleaser.

The contest will be held at Durban's Bay of Plenty, adjacent to North Beach � the Bay picks up a bit more swell than North in winter, and at the moment has pretty good sandbars too, so we may be in for some good surf.

Further details plus entry forms will be posted here and at sabaonline as soon as possible � but for the time being, please go ahead and make your travel and accommodation plans. This event will count towards SABA ratings.

If you need any urgent info, you can contact Al Taylor on [email protected] or Wayne du Preez (CN bodyboarding Chairman) on [email protected] but otherwise, as mentioned, further details to be posted here very soon.

Also just an update about the Cave Rock Gladiator Pit � the event has been postponed, probably until next year, as the road to Cave Rock was partly washed away in the big swell back in March. This has created some logistical problems in getting the contest equipment and the media down to the venue. There doesn't seem to be any urgency on the part of the City to fix the road, which is severely stuffed up � and with more big swells on tap, the situation looks like it's going to get worse before it gets better. If anything changes, we'll be sure to let everyone know. The event WILL be back!