Giving bodyboarding a healthy image!

Ian Thurtell
22nd March 2007
debis fleet managment hosted a development clinic at this year�s debis Sport Unlimited Spur Cape Classic held at Glen Beach, Camps Bay, where Reef Wetsuits and Science Bodyboards gave development bodyboarding in South Africa a solid boost!

The aim of the development clinics is to enable youngsters from underprivileged backgrounds to experience the fun of bodyboarding and to learn more about the sea.

Reef Wetsuits made sure that all the guys got suited up with good fitting wetsuits so they could stay warm in the freezing Cape Town water and Science Bodyboards provided new bodyboards so that they could all enjoy the waves they catch.

Jennifer Koopmans of WP Bodyboarding said, �It was by far the most enthusiastic group of kids we have had for a clinic and it was rewarding to see how much they enjoyed themselves, all of them asking when they could come again!�

Thanks to the co-sponsors: W.P.Bodyboarding and Son Surf and everyone concerned for making this development clinic a success!