Man Down at SA Champs!

Darryn Stephen
26th September 2006

On Day 2 of the 20th SA Champs, the men took to the water first carrying on for the heats that were cancelled in Day1. The surf had started to build up and the South Westerly was making itself known, blowing hard and causing a strong side wash. The mens division was held in rough water and the competitors had to really think about their next move. Many of the guys pushing for the strategy of spins and rolls on their waves to try and get as many moves covered as possible, this was not an option for Dylan Watson(SC) who busted out in a huge backflip that even had the judges in amazement.

The Masters and Girls(U16) followed respectively with Mike Van Huysteen showing he still has what it takes to rip in the water, and the girls were ripping up the shorebreak as the surf built even more.

After this it was time for the much anticipated DK division. The surf by this stage had picked up to around the 6 foot mark. Sacha Specker (WP) dominated his heat, but was also taken by surprise by the strength of the sidewash, getting washed up onto the rocks in front of the tidal pool and having to climb up on them and run back to the safety of dry land.

In the last DK heat of the day disaster struck! New comer Keegan Jordaan(SC) was paddling around the rocks to try and get to backline for his heat when the sets(now around the 8ft mark) caught him and he took in water. On lookers and team mates looked on from the rocks as he tried to make to it back in, but as he stood up on the rocks he dropped from exhaustion. The waves were starting to push him around and a serious injury was just seconds away .Luckily, even in his exhausted state he had made it far enough onto the rocks for Kevin Pearman(CKZN) to run in and pull him to safety.

Pearman, who has had training in first aid and lifesaving, immediately placed Jordaan in the rescue position to get him to breathe. Jordaan was not moving as any of the onlookers began to put jackets on him to warm him up, the site of him lying there made many think that he had died.

He began to breathe properly, and a sigh of relief was breathed by his team mates and the crowd that had gathered. The lifeguards quickly followed to assist, luckily shortly after they had arrived so did the paramedics. By this stage Jordaan had regained enough energy to sit up and breathe, however the lifeguards put him on oxygen as he had obviously breathed in water and was in dyer need of air. The paramedics got him into the ambulance and sent him off to hospital to recover.

This caused concern in the camps with the Pro division to enter the water next. An urgent meeting was held and all the Pro competitors that were concerned voiced their opinions. The decision was made to continue, but there would be a break to see if the conditions would clean up. One competitor who was not fazed by the conditions was Alistar Taylor (CKZN), paddling out during the meeting was in place and had a quick free surf in the 8ft + sized surf pulling into a beast and doing a spin and a huge roll off the end section, showing he is ready to compete and take the Pro title away from Daniel Worsley(WP).

After the break the conditions started to get even more hectic and the competition organizers had to call off the days heats. The waves were breaking out past the shark nets and the safety of the competitors had to be taken into account.

The Pro division will be the first in the water on Day 3.

For any further information on this years SA Champs call the Hotline Number 083 488 3916. Sponsored by

The SABA South African Bodyboarding Championships 2006 is hosted by the South Coast KZN Bodyboarding Association and is co-sponsored by SCIENCE, REEF,, ENVIRON, Arnette, Spar and Realty1.

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Issued by:

Darryn Stephen
SABA SA Bodyboarding Championships Media Liaison
Mobile: 072 511 1578
Email: [email protected]

The 20th Annual SA Bodyboarding Champs