Boland EBWBB Comp

Peter Lambert
30th June 2006
Hi Guys, seeing that no one has yet issued a release, I will just quickly give you an update compliments of

The contest was held at bayview in very contestable and super glassy 6-9 foot conditions... the waves where pretty challenging, for a first timer, but at the same time super fun to ride

Highlights where ODB DK'ing it, Jared Houston killing it, Kru's invert, John Catlin taking the biggest lip on the head and getting one of the biggest 3 of the day, as well as loosing a board and enduring a 40 minute swim, Paul Morkel getting the biggest beast, and me trying to roll and having my tether pull right through my fin.

Bayview is such a good venue for a contest of this nature and I will, if invited, definitely be back next year.

Results where as follows:

1. Jared Houston
2. Paul Morkel
3. John Catlin
4. Ian Kruger
tie 5th Justin Hoebern/Olivier Etchebers
7. Werner Adendorff
8. Peter Lambert
9. Sean Oerholzer
10. Lourance Klose