Swell update - Cave Rock Gladiator Pit

Alistair Taylor
21st April 2006
OK everyone, it's been a few days of poring over weather maps, but finally some new swell is coming into view. Looks like we'll have some fun waves on Monday, though not quite enough again to run the event- might be good for some practice however. Wednesday though is looking pretty promising, and Spike from wavescape.co.za is helping us with the event forecast and had this to say:

Wednesday 26 April

Slight head's up. Everything seems right. The sea is settled. Light land breeze NW followed by a glassy light variable day. Swell looks powerful and it's pushing solidly all day with interesting period of 15 seconds. However, while direction is quite South at 197 degrees, which is 5-6 degrees SOUTH of SSW, a slight concern is that there is any West in the direction at all. The swell out to sea will be a classic long period 8' groundswell. At the Rock, expect clean 4-5' lines coming in 3-5 wave sets very sporadic at times. Might be some in the 6' range.

So anyway that would probably be good for us, similar conditions to what we had on day one of the window, but a little bigger, more waves in the sets, and better tides and winds too.

Based on this forecast I'd like to have everyone at the beach at 6am for an early start, maybe between 6:30 and 7:00am, so we can get through a full round of competition in really good clean surf.

I have also redrawn the heats just slightly, so everyone please just have a look. The changes are really minor, and as I mentioned at the pre-comp function, it doesn't really matter who is in your heat as all riders are going to have their scores compared against each other. The changes were to accommodate one or two riders that weren't able to make day 1 if it happened, but will be there for Wednesday. Also have not heard anything about the participation of the American guys, so have just put them aside for now, and if they come will do a small re-arrange on the day and have them in the last heat.

OK everyone, good luck again and be ready for Wednesday, could be SICK!!

Stay tuned to sixty40.co.za for updates and www.wavescape.co.za for updates on the surf report.


Amended Heats as follows- 6 man heats still 45 minutes, 5 man if included will be 40 minutes- still best 2 waves per heat to count.

Heat 1.

Jonathan Oliff
Dave Collicott
Sean Oberholzer
Doug Lindsay
Rylin Richardson
Karla Taylor

Heat 2.

Stephan Coetzee
Wayne Beekman
Ian Kruger
Wesley Fischer
Wayne du Preez
Neil Smith

Heat 3.

Michael Ostler
Wesley Tucker
Inacio Serrao
Mark Watts
Derek Footit
Al Taylor

Heat 4.

Matthew Wainwright
Darren Halse
Philip Rodrigues
David Lee
Adam Morley
Stuart Bradford

Heat 5.

Wayne Smith
Matthew Botha
Jared Houston
Sacha Specker
Jake Rosenberg
Jason Duvenage