Cave Rock Gladiator Pit

Alistair Taylor
14th February 2006
Herewith an update on the Cave Rock and North Beach comps.

North Beach is most likely not going to happen this year. We may be able to do a small event, but seemingly not enough to justify having riders cross the country to do it, and then be stuck with an awkward wait until the Wimpy/ Rossi. The planning would also be a bit rushed, so we are going to try to line things up better for 2007, and have a trio of events with the Cave Rock and Margate.

At present we have no solid monetary sponsorship for Cave Rock, so as of now we are looking at the entry fee remaining at R500, with a one day event in an 8 day window. If we get sufficient swell, we may run 2 half days, but that will have to be decided when we are within swell-forecasting range of the window.

The format is yet to be finalised, but basically, since the event is not a SABA tour event, there will be no seeding- names for the heat draw will be a random, draw from the hat format. Heats will also be set up in such a way as to maximise everyone's chances to surf in the best conditions. For example we may run 2 rounds of 18 minute heats, rather than one long heat where the guys in the last heat of the first round are liable to be dealing with more wind/ less perfect waves.
This depends a lot on swell size though- over 8ft, Cave Rock is not heavily affected by wind, it just barrels anyway, and since paddle time becomes much more of an issue, it would in that case be better to just run one heat of at least 30 minutes. Might be better in the early heats (depends on tides too), but at 8ft+, even the heats in the wind will probably have sick waves.

As mentioned, we are looking for at least 6ft of solid groundswell to run. If we don't get the waves, the entry fee money will be refunded to you. We aren't going to run it just for the sake of having it if it's not good and big enough.

Board caddies will be permitted if the waves are deemed big enough to warrant it (ie. More than 8ft), so if you have a spare board and a fit buddy, you can have a backup in case you lose equipment during the heat. Caddies will have to sign the same indemnity form as competitors. There is no charge for the right to use a caddy.

Judging criteria will be as always, but in this type of event, catching less-than-crazy waves and doing open face maneuvers will get you nowhere. The big scores will go to the type of stuff that has the spectators jumping up and down and screaming.

If we get the full allotment of 32 competitors, with the entry fees making up the prize pool, we should be looking at a minimum of R12 000 for prize money after expenses. The breakdown will go something like this:


Heat winner from each heat wins R180
Best wave or maneuver or barrel in each heat wins R180


Heat winner from each heat wins R115
Best wave or maneuver or barrel in each heat wins R115

The 2nd amount seems less, but actually you have an extra shot at winning money.



Best Wave or Manoeuvre or Barrel- R250

That is the estimated breakdown of the event right now. If we get sponsorship it might change, but the important thing is to get this contest going to showcase bodyboarding at its best, and if it goes off, use the media we gain from this contest to lure sponsors for 2007 and beyond.
Unfortunately as things are, not everyone can get prize money, but that is the risk in entering. At least what you should get is good Cave Rock with 3 other guys out, some good coverage in video and magazines if you go off, and some well-earned respect from your peers.

We are planning to have the awards ceremony at the Wavehouse in Gateway the night of the 25th, so hopefully the event is done by then, as there is still one remaining day of contest window, but competitors will have to be in margate the night of the 26th for the Wimpy/Rossi, so that is out. If we do compete on the 26th, awards ceremony will just be held at Cave Rock.

Details on how to enter and submit entry fees will be released soon, but as the event is going to be limited to 32 riders, and I have already received some entries, you can email me your intent of entry now if you like. There will also be an alternate list, made up in the order that entries are received, so if someone pulls out, the next one in line and at the beach gets in. Just remember that the event may well be run in heavy surf in the 10ft range, if we get that kind of swell.

Alistair Taylor
Chairman SABA
[email protected]
082 863 6665